Saturday, December 26, 2009

Drink much??

This is a recycling bin for glass bottles. The black dot on the top is a rubber hole that you shove your bottles into. It is full, so the people have nicely placed the overflow on the ground below. They are mostly standing up so someone, or many someone's have taken the time to stand them up. I just took down our glass and the building bin is also full. Everyone has made much merry for the Christmas holiday.


  1. How beautiful! What a wonderful way to spend Christmas, and your daughter is beautiful. Thanks for sharing your adventures.

  2. That pic is great.... faaantastic. Gotta love orderly drunks! Or their elves...

  3. Came here from LISA @ OhMyWord!

    thats a kick ass recycle bin!

  4. Thank you for all of your comments. I am new at this and its kinda scary. I too like orderly drunks and recycling. I will go visit all your blogs too.
